
When Kwon Doha, a struggling web novelist, finds himself in an unexpected marriage with Jiyeon, one of three sisters who once tormented him, his life takes a chaotic turn. As Jiyeon is sent overseas for work, her empty home becomes a playground for her two sisters—Jisoo, a sultry divorcee, and Jina, a bold college student. The odd cohabitation stirs unexpected emotions as Doha is torn between Jisoo's provocative allure and Jina's carefree spirit. As old feelings resurface and new temptations ari...


What if you lived in a house with the most beautiful woman in the world and ..... Her husband! Right! That's what Johnny is dealing with. Hearing all the private stuff each night is unbearable. Will he keep his hands to himself? Read out Original comic and find out!


My name is Haesin and I am 21 y.o. My mom runs the flower shop. Although she is 39, she is rather attractive and good-looking. I was stunned and confused when I knew she dates my friend Kim! What should I do?


Kang Minsoo is happily married to Oh Soomi. They run a small shop as their family business. Suddenly, the shop and area around should be demolished. Kang and Oh have to live in his father’s place. He proposes to work for him and Soomi agrees, but future events lead to naughty consequences. Read now to find out!


I haven't told anyone about my fascination with pet-playing. I'm not interested in regular girls but if they have dog ears, a tail and a chain on them, I get really excited! When my first client came to me, I tried not to give away my secrets. But when the laptop accidentally turned on with an adult pet-playing movie on it, she finally figured it all out. I thought she would hate me, but it was that moment that changed my life forever!


Young Mr. Sunghoon is getting ready for entrance exams at a prestigious University. His parents hired a private tutor for him. Will this beautiful lady teacher find a special and efficient motivation for her 20-year-old virgin student?


I cannot believe it! My mom and that “Friend” of mine are together? How did that happen? Firstly, I gave him a job, now he wants more! I understand I should not interfere with my mom’s private life, but this is different.